Access Bank joins African Natural Capital Alliance as a founding member

05 Aug 2022
Financial Nigeria


Access Bank said its proactive involvement with the alliance reiterates its stance on protecting the environment.

Access Bank Plc's CEO Roosevelt Ogbonna

Access Bank has announced a partnership with the Financial Sector Deepening Africa, Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, and several other leading financial institutions across Africa to form the African Natural Capital Alliance (ANCA). Access Bank said its membership of the new alliance is an effort at deepening its commitment to driving the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

ANCA will serve as a platform that harnesses the financial sector’s responses to nature-related risks and opportunities across the continent.

According to the statement it sent to Financial Nigeria, Access Bank said its proactive involvement with the alliance reiterates its stance on protecting the environment.

In 2019, Access Bank issued Africa’s first-ever green bond targeted at financing and refinancing environmentally beneficial projects that span across flood defence, agriculture irrigation, and renewable energy. Recently, the Bank issued its second green bond representing another milestone for the Bank and demonstrating its strong commitment to ESG and sustainability principles.

ANCA will address the dip in natural capital in Africa. The alliance is backed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It is also working with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures to provide an African voice in the development of TNFD’s reporting framework for nature-related risks and opportunities.

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