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GE Power, GEL Utility to generate power for Port Harcourt refinery

07 Nov 2018, 04:08 pm
Financial Nigeria
GE Power, GEL Utility to generate power for Port Harcourt refinery

News Highlight

GE said its aeroderivative gas turbines will rapidly ramp up power supply to meet load and demand fluctuations and eliminate frequent interruptions in plant operations.

GE steam turbine generator

GE Power, a subsidiary of the American multinational, General Electric, has signed a multiyear service agreement (MYA) with Port Harcourt-based GEL Utility Limited to support the power generation requirements of the Port Harcourt Refining Company, a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

According to a statement released by GE on Tuesday, the 12-year MYA includes the provision of spare parts and repairs for over two major inspection cycles for three units of GE’s aeroderivative gas turbines (TM2500) installed at the plant site in March 2015.

“As an integrated energy company, we have been working with GE for several years to ensure optimum performance of the power generation assets installed at our various plants,” said Akinwole Omoboriowo II, Chairman of Genesis Energy Holding, a part owner of GEL Utility. “This unique transaction experience with GE will help our esteemed customer, the NNPC, to accomplish the scheduled outages of our assets at the Port Harcourt Refining Company, while also increasing our savings in maintenance throughout the duration of the agreement.”

GEL Utility is a private power developer and subsidiary of Pakistani Engro Corporation and Genesis Energy Group.

According to GE, its TM2500 fast power solution will provide the ability to rapidly ramp up power supply to meet load and demand fluctuations and eliminate frequent interruptions and instabilities in plant operations. With production capacity currently at about 210,000 barrels per day, the Port Harcourt refinery needs a constant supply of power with no room for downtime to its facility and operations.

“As oil prices are a determinant of the country’s growth pattern; this service agreement is crucial to help improve power supply for constant production of one of the nation’s leading facilities,” said Narenda Asnani, Executive Sales Director of GE Power – Sub-Saharan Africa.

GE Power, a world leader in power generation, implements and supports power projects across Africa by providing innovative power solutions and advancing the digital industrial transformation of energy networks. Its objective is to strengthen the power sector in Africa.

One of the recent projects of GE Power is the MXL2 upgrade on Shell Petroleum Development Company’s Afam IV plant. The upgrade will add additional 30MW capacity, enough power supply for approximately 200,000 Nigerian homes.

Last month, GE had announced that it is investing more than $200 million in the aeroderivative business over the next three years.

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